FRESH FROM THE MINDS, an anthology

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FRESH FROM THE MINDS, an anthology

Edisi pertama: Februari 2021

ISBN  978 623 7430 76 6


Introduction from Teachers

The idea of organizing this anthology book was initiated in 2020. It was the feeling of educators who were truly eager to encourage their students to develop their creativity in narrative writing as well as promoting writing as literacy skill among the students.

In this book, my partner and I have attempted to present you our students’ English Project “Fresh from the Minds: An Anthology; Narrative Stories from SMP Gula Putih Mataram Students Class of 2021 which provides a various types of narrative stories.

Writing is hard, even for authors who do it all the times. The process that the students have taken to complete this work of art took approximately a month to be accomplished. However, they have proven that they could finish their best on time.

We would like to thank all the parties who have supported us in making this book, especially Bapak Benny Prakasa Putera and Bapak Kurniawan Junaedhie. May God bless us forevermore.

Yustinus Gunawan and Zahro Laila Nur

Grade 9 English Teachers of SMP Gula Putih Mataram, Lampung

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