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Sejak: 14-04-2024

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Editor: Nety Krisyati, M.Ed.

The grade 12 English Elective class students of Sugar Group High School wrote this anthology book as the last assignment. It comprises 29 writings on various topics according to the student’s interests. As parts of Gen Z, they express how they see and perceive phenomena happening in the world, and self-reflect their personal life in their writings. This book aims to record their writing to preserve their story during adolescence, influence other people, and channel their feelings for mental health.

Adolescence is an essential phase in human life manifested by physical and physiological changes. Thus, it can cause problems and anxiety. Despite its complex way of thinking and perceiving the world, my students use their critical thinking and come up with various insights and discoveries about their world to help them survive adolescence.

Through this book, they learn how to speak their minds, communicate ideas, organize their thoughts, and rehearse their English skills in a written form. As people say, writing is the most challenging language skill for EFL learners, and they experience many difficulties completing their writing. Areas to be improved from them include topic selection, ideas organizations, and language components. In spite of the challenges they faced, they managed to produce this book. This accomplishment is something to celebrate, and I am super proud of them.

210 hal KKK, 2014

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